Saturday, September 26, 2009

Girlfriend Clause(primarily jest)

In my latest great 20 second epiphany I've decide that all new relationships will have a girlfriend clause instated. At first it might just be a personal fear of mine, but I think that there should be one person each party gets to select that the other can't date after the relationship is over. This comes from past experiences of me saying "whatever you do... don't date that dude," and then the inevitable happening. And, as profound as I might be with my "Fast times at ridgemont high" super speech I feel that this idea might make for positive progress in my future endeavors.

1) Upon the completion of this relationship both parties may select one person off limits that they deem unfit for the other based on prior events, no matter how slight, or silly, or extremely silly.

My primary reasoning is if some dude is a "cockaminney," and if you're wondering, I have lists of such characters, which upon request can be shown.